Source code for riscv_ctg.constants

# See LICENSE.incore for details

import os
from math import *
from string import Template

root = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

cwd = os.getcwd()
env = os.path.join(root,"env")

def sra(val, n):
    return val>>n if val >= 0 else (val+0x100000000) >> n
default_regset = ['x0' ,'x1' ,'x2' ,'x3' ,'x4' ,'x5' ,'x6' ,'x7' ,'x8' ,'x9'
            ,'x10' ,'x11' ,'x12' ,'x13' ,'x14' ,'x15' ,'x16' ,'x17' ,'x18' ,'x19'
            ,'x20' ,'x21' ,'x22' ,'x23' ,'x24' ,'x25' ,'x26' ,'x27' ,'x28' ,'x29'
            ,'x30' ,'x31']
e_regset = ['x0' ,'x1' ,'x2' ,'x3' ,'x4' ,'x5' ,'x6' ,'x7' ,'x8' ,'x9'
            ,'x10' ,'x11' ,'x12' ,'x13' ,'x14' ,'x15']
default_regset_mx0 = ['x1' ,'x2' ,'x3' ,'x4' ,'x5' ,'x6' ,'x7' ,'x8' ,'x9'
            ,'x10' ,'x11' ,'x12' ,'x13' ,'x14' ,'x15' ,'x16' ,'x17' ,'x18' ,'x19'
            ,'x20' ,'x21' ,'x22' ,'x23' ,'x24' ,'x25' ,'x26' ,'x27' ,'x28' ,'x29'
            ,'x30' ,'x31']

[docs]def twos(val,bits): ''' A function to generate the two's complement of a number which is of arbitrary width :param val: the input which can be either a hexadecimal string or integer :param bits: size of the input in terms of bits. :type val: Union[int, str] :type bits: int :return: integer value in 2's complement representation ''' if isinstance(val,str): if '0x' in val: val = int(val,16) else: val = int(val,2) if (val & (1 << (bits - 1))) != 0: val = val - (1 << bits) return val
[docs]def gen_sp_dataset(bit_width,sign=True): ''' Function generates a special dataset of interesting values: - [3*1/3,3*2/3,5,5*1/5,5*2/5] - sqrt (bit_width<<1) - +/-1 variants of the above :param bit_width: Integer defining the size of the input :param sign: Boolen value specifying whether the dataset should be interpreted as signed numbers or not. :type sign: bool :type bit_width: int :return: a list of integers ''' if sign: conv_func = lambda x: twos(x,bit_width) sqrt_min = int(-sqrt(2**(bit_width-1))) sqrt_max = int(sqrt((2**(bit_width-1)-1))) else: sqrt_min = 0 sqrt_max = int(sqrt((2**bit_width)-1)) conv_func = lambda x:(int(x,16) if '0x' in x else int(x,2)) if isinstance(x,str) else x dataset = [3, "0x"+"".join(["5"]*int(bit_width/4)), "0x"+"".join(["a"]*int(bit_width/4)), 5, "0x"+"".join(["3"]*int(bit_width/4)), "0x"+"".join(["6"]*int(bit_width/4))] dataset = list(map(conv_func,dataset)) + [int(sqrt(abs(conv_func("0x8"+"".join(["0"]*int((bit_width/4)-1)))))*(-1 if sign else 1))] + [sqrt_min,sqrt_max] return dataset + [x - 1 if x > 0 else 0 for x in dataset] + [x+1 for x in dataset]
[docs]def gen_sign_dataset(bit_width): ''' Function to generate the signed data set with datapoints from the following patterns. - alternating ones - alternating zeros - walking ones - walking zeros - max val - min val - max val/2 - min val/2 - [-10,10] :param bit_width: integer defining the size of the input :type bit_width: int :return: a list of integers ''' rval_w0_base = ['1']*(bit_width-1)+['0'] rval_w1_base = ['0']*(bit_width-1)+['1'] data = [(-2**(bit_width-1)),int((-2**(bit_width-1))/2),0,(2**(bit_width-1)-1),int((2**(bit_width-1)-1)/2)] + list(range(-10,10)) data += [twos(''.join(rval_w1_base[n:] + rval_w1_base[:n]),bit_width) for n in range(bit_width)] data += [twos(''.join(rval_w0_base[n:] + rval_w0_base[:n]),bit_width) for n in range(bit_width)] t1 =( '' if bit_width%2 == 0 else '1') + ''.join(['01']*int(bit_width/2)) t2 =( '' if bit_width%2 == 0 else '0') + ''.join(['10']*int(bit_width/2)) data += [twos(t1,bit_width),twos(t2,bit_width)] return list(set(data))
[docs]def gen_usign_dataset(bit_width): ''' Function to generate the unsigned dataset - alternating ones - alternating zeros - walking ones - walking zeros - max val - min val - max val/2 - min val/2 - [0,20] :param bit_width: integer defining the size of the input :type bit_width: int :return: a list of integers ''' rval_w0_base = ['1']*(bit_width-1)+['0'] rval_w1_base = ['0']*(bit_width-1)+['1'] data = [0,((2**bit_width)-1),int(((2**bit_width)-1)/2)] + list(range(0,20)) data += [int(''.join(rval_w1_base[n:] + rval_w1_base[:n]),2) for n in range(bit_width)] data += [int(''.join(rval_w0_base[n:] + rval_w0_base[:n]),2) for n in range(bit_width)] t1 =( '' if bit_width%2 == 0 else '1') + ''.join(['01']*int(bit_width/2)) t2 =( '' if bit_width%2 == 0 else '0') + ''.join(['10']*int(bit_width/2)) data += [int(t1,2),int(t2,2)] return list(set(data))
template_file = os.path.join(root,"data/template.yaml") usage = Template(''' // ----------- // This file was generated by riscv_ctg ( // version : $version // timestamp : $time // usage : riscv_ctg \\ // -- cgf $cgf \\ // -- xlen $xlen \\ // ----------- //''') copyright_string = ''' // ----------- // Copyright (c) 2020. RISC-V International. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause // ----------- //''' comment_template = ''' // This assembly file tests the $opcode instruction of the RISC-V $extension extension for the $label covergroup. // ''' test_template = Template(copyright_string + comment_template+''' #include "model_test.h" #include "arch_test.h" RVTEST_ISA("$isa") .section .text.init .globl rvtest_entry_point rvtest_entry_point: RVMODEL_BOOT RVTEST_CODE_BEGIN $test RVTEST_CODE_END RVMODEL_HALT RVTEST_DATA_BEGIN $data RVTEST_DATA_END RVMODEL_DATA_BEGIN $sig RVMODEL_DATA_END ''') case_template = Template(''' RVTEST_CASE($num,"//check ISA:=regex(.*$xlen.*);$cond;def TEST_CASE_1=True;",$cov_label) ''') part_template = Template(''' #ifdef TEST_CASE_1 $case_str $code #endif ''') signode_template = Template(''' $label: .fill $n*(XLEN/32),4,0xdeadbeef ''')